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Radio Silence
  -- Monday, September 15, 2008

Do you remember how excited you were when rumors started leaking about Blush's American Hardcore book? I know I was pretty amped. But then I got it, and realized it was written by this farty old man who had no friggin clue what was going on in the scene (or world, for that matter) anymore. It was page after page of drivel, really. Some cool facts but not what I had dreamt it was going to be.

Radio Silence is the antithesis of that book. Instead of page after page chock full of bummer stories about hardcore dying in 84, Radio Silence features over 500 pages of rich pictures that will capture your imagination. It'll probably also capture a piece of your bank account as you scour ebay for that elusive object from your past.

Also of noteworthy importance, AP isn't a farty old dude. Not even a little. In fact, he still attends shows, puts out records and owes me an In My Eyes shirt or two (heheheh). He also realizes that hardcore is alive and kicking. Radio Silence doesn't attempt to eulogize hardcore, but it does do a fair job of cataloging some awesome moments in time.

Head over to amazon and pick yours up today! They've already started shipping so don't delay. Also, keep tabs on their website as they've been announcing release parties and gallery openings. It's the real deal, yo!


Introducing - The Collection Space
  -- Thursday, September 11, 2008

Over the years, How's Your Edge? has grown and shifted focus a few times. We've always been about shirts and trading, but some of you may recall a certain notorious list. Some things have changed and those changes reflect my life and the needs of the scene. Over the last few years, I've seen a surge in swap lists and a larger desire to see collection based content.

Obviously, swap is king, but people LOVE looking at collections! At this point, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome a new friend to the family, Their purpose is to host and display all your favorite collections -- from records to shirts to kidrobot toys to ... you name it! And the beautiful part? I don't have to do all the leg work. Previously, dudes would email me their pics, and I would have to upload and tag them all. Thanks to the cspace, you can do all that yourself! Instead of me misnaming shirts, you can feel free to go buck wild on your descriptions. They also have a great tagging and search feature in case you forgot where you saw that Release Windbreaker!

So starting today and here on out, I will be forwarding all collection requests over to But that doesn't mean your affiliation with How's Your Edge? has to stop there. Hell no. Make sure to tag any of your images with the key phrase "How's Your Edge?" And then BOOM, check it!.

To coincide with this introduction, I'm also starting a new, regular feature. Each week, I plan on interviewing a How's Your Edge? collection contributor. Same run down as most of my interviews, even if you aren't edge (psssshhhhhh)! All you have to do to be considered is add the tag "How's Your Edge?" to your pictures. I'll then pick a user and interview from there.

In fact, head over to the interviews section RIGHT NOW to see the first installment! After you finish reading that, head over to and start uploading your own collections! While you are there, check out all of my collections.

PS. You'll notice a lot of friendly faces behind the scenes at the cspace. Namely, Mr. Chris Casali. You may all remember him as an original How's Your Edge? co-founder. You may also recognize a fellow Murphy name. That'd be my wife. And even if I didn't love these individuals to death, I would still send all of you over there because their site is killer.


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  Shirts: $newlyAddedShirts / $totalShirts
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    END_HTML; $queryDisShirt = "SELECT distinct(band) from shirts where DATE_FORMAT('$minus7','%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(stime, '%Y-%m-%d') order by stime DESC"; $resultDisShirt = mysql_query($queryDisShirt); $j=0; while(($rowDisShirt = mysql_fetch_row($resultDisShirt)) && $j<10){ $name = strtoupper($rowDisShirt[0]); echo "
  • $name
  • \n"; $j++; } PHP?>


    New User: $name\n"; } $minus7 = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-7, date("Y"))); $query = "SELECT from collection_owner co, collection_image ci where co.uid=ci.userid AND DATE_FORMAT('$minus7','%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(ci.tdate, '%Y-%m-%d')"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $name = $row[0]; echo "
  • New Picture: $name
  • \n"; } PHP?>

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ParseFeed( "/home/howsyou/www/reviews/atom.xml", "rev", "", ""); PHP?>

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ParseFeed( "/home/howsyou/www/interviews/atom.xml", "rev", "", ""); PHP?>

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